CMIP6 Data Hackathon: Request for Information

The CMIP6 Data Hackathon is fast approaching! We kindly ask you to fill out the form below by the [18 May]. If you have any questions then we can be contacted via email at […]

  1. Name

  2. Email address

  3. Please confirm your attendance at the Hackathon event [2–4 June 2021]
    [•] Yes
    [ ] No

  4. Please confirm your attendance at the Hackathon Preparation Meeting on [20 May at 1:30pm]
    [•] Yes
    [ ] No

  5. Please confirm whether you agree for your name and institution to appear on our CMIP6 Data Hackathon Website
    [•] Yes
    [ ] No

  6. Please confirm (if you have one) your GitHub username

  7. Please confirm (if you have one) your JASMIN username and email address registered on the system