Subject: [CMIP6 Data Hackathon] – participant information

Dear Hackathon Participant,

We are pleased to be able to offer you a place at the [CMIP6 Data Hackathon] which is being held from [2 to 4 June 2021]. As a pre-requisite to the event, we strongly encourage you to attend our preparation meeting on [20 May at 1:30pm] (meeting invite and link will be sent separately). The meeting should last no longer than 1.5 hours and will be held virtually. If you are unable to attend due to prior commitments the meeting will be recorded.

We would like to post the participants names on our website. If you are happy for us to do this, please tick the agreement in the following form.

Actions required:

Please complete the participant information form by [18 May 2021] at the latest, confirming:

  • Your attendance at the hackathon [2-4 June 2021]
  • Whether you can attend our preparation meeting on [20 May at 1:30pm (BST)]
  • Whether you are happy for us to include your name on our website

If you have any questions, please reply to this email.

We look forward to collaborating with you!

Kind regards,

The CMIP6 Data Hackathon Committee