Help participants use the Group Workspace

Some scripts to help with using the hackathon’s Group Workspace on JASMIN, and a conda environment with pre-installed packages.

See also our example notebook.

Table of contents

File system structure

Our hackathon environment exists within two Group Workspaces on JASMIN.

These are:

  • /gws/pw/j05/cop26_hackathons/bristol for project file storage and setup scripts (uses a parallel-write filesystem)


    • activate-env – a bash shell script that can be source‘d to load Jaspy, add the hackathon python environment to the user’s PATH, and provide a $GWS shell variable to helpt he user get quickly to the group workspace

    • install-kernel – a bash shell script that will install the hackathon’s conda environment into the user’s Jupyter kernels, so that they can use it easily on the JASMIN Notebook Service

    • env/ – a symlink to the real conda environment location (see below)

    • project01/, project02/, project03/ and so on – directories for each of the project groups

  • /gws/smf/j04/cop26_hackathons/bristol for the conda python environment (uses a filesystem backed by solid state disks, and works well for many small files, which is exactly what we have in a conda environment)

    • env/ – the actual location of the conda environment

      • environment.yml
      • environment_frozen.yml

        The YAML configuration files for the conda environment, containing unpinned and pinned dependency versions, respectively.

activate-env bash script

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install-kernel bash script

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environment.yml unpinned dependencies

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environment_frozen.yml pinned dependencies

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